ionCube lets you protect your website’s PHP code from being viewed and ran on unlicensed computers. If you’d like to use it, you can install it on your Managed WordPress hosting account.

Installing ionCube on Managed WordPress
To install ionCube on Managed WordPress, follow these steps:
- Download ionCube Linux (64 bits) from ionCube’s website.
- Unzip the file on your local computer.
- Connect to your Managed WordPress account with sFTP.
- Upload the unzipped ‘ioncube’ directory from your local computer to the Managed WordPress account.
- Visit the loader-wizard.php file in your browser. Note: For example:
- Select “Shared” from the radio buttons, enter the name of your hosting provider and the URL for their website.
- Click Next. You will get a warning stating the Zend extension line is not present. This is normal.
- The loader wizard will create a php.ini file on the root of your hosting account.
- Use your FTP client to edit the php.ini file and add the following lines to the top:
Save and upload the updated php.ini file.
Refresh the loader-wizard.php page, and it will state that the server is NOT reading the configuration file. This is also normal.
You have completed the install, but need to give the server up to 30 minutes to pickup on the changes made to the php.ini file. After this time ionCube will be enabled on your Managed WordPress account, so you can install any themes or plugins you encountered errors with previously.
For more Information about how to install ionCube on GoDaddy Web & Classic Hosting server visit: HOW TO INSTALL IONCUBE ON GODADDY HOSTING SERVER

Is this the error we are supposed to get?
Please note that the following problems currently exist with the ionCube Loader installation:
The ionCube Loader must be the first Zend extension listed in the configuration file, /var/www/php.ini.
The loader file /var/www/ioncube/, listed in the configuration file, /var/www/php.ini, does not exist or is not accessible.