Road users has to take special care while driving at snow or ice conditions. Always check your local weather and traffic conditions before setting out on a trip and avoid unnecessary trips.
Tips for Safe Driving on Snow and Ice

- Clear your mirrors and windows before you set out. Always carry de-icer and a screen scraper. Do not use hot water on the windscreens as it can crack the glass.
- Remove all snow from your vehicle before starting your journey.
- Slow down in snow and icy conditions, leave extra distance between you and the vehicle in front and use all controls delicately.
- Use dipped headlights and reduce speed. Heavy snowfall and rain can reduce visibility.
- In heavy fog, turn off your radio and let down your driver’s window a fraction so you can hear other traffic. Do not drive on tail-lights of the vehicle in front as this can give false sense of security and you will be too close to be able to brake safely.
- One of winter’s worst hazards are the “Black ice”. If the road looks glossy or polished it could be black ice. Take extra care!
- Allow extra space and always watch out for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists.
- Travel only if absolutely necessary.
If travelling plan your route and check local weather information, allow extra time, drive slowly and carefully and stay safe.
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Tags: Ice, Snow, Travel, Winter